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Gazette 2004-02-09
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___The New Official AVATAR___________________________________
     ________                          __     __
    /  _____/ _____   ________  ____ _/  |_ _/  |_   ____
   /     ___ __    ____  /_/ __ \   __\   ___/ __ 
       _   / __ _ /    /   ___/ |  |   |  |    ___/
    ______  /(____  //_____  ___  >|__|   |__|   ___  >
           /      /       /     /                   /
___________________________________February 9, 2004__________

               /.--.              The Avatar Gazette
               |====|              For subscription info,
               |`::`|              read HELP GAZETTE
    /\   /  |...::..|`  | |  `|   Produced by Angel Kenji
    |:' |   /'''::''|   | |   |   With assistance from
   @| /;-,/   ::  |=========|   Shadowwing (Lord alt)
   `|| <` >  >._::_.|=========|     New Hero/Lord stats
    || `""`  /   ^^  |   | |   |
    ||       |          | |   /

I am very excited to deliver this month's Gazette to you. One
of the things I have wanted to do since I began the Gazette
is to interview Snikt, and I finally got to do it. Read on
for the details!

This is what is in store for you this month:

Latest Avatar News

The Demon Quest by Draeger

New Lord and Hero Stats by Shadowwing

Getting Your Own Equipment - an idea submitted by Kol

Thoughts of a Dragon by Galladan

Gazette Interview - Snikt

Orange Mustard Vinegrette Salad with Honey Glazed Chicken
                   - A recipe from Merck


Latest News

I'm elated to announce an addition to the Angel Host!
Congratulations to Angel Linder, who joined the Cloud Crew
on February 2nd.

On Angel changes, we all wish the best to Angel Taris, who
stepped down as Angel, and is currently attending Basic
Training for the US Army. Best wishes to Taris, and we hope
to see him flying again soon!


Those players who have been trying to plevel a human warrior
to rebuild him into a Sorcerer will be sorely disappointed
to learn that Sorcerers are now only available to Mages and

However, Monks and Clerics now have the new Priest (Prs)
class available to them. Congratulations to Highland, the
first Priest, and Gengis, who also took the plunge. As of
this writing, both have already made Hero 1.


Go ahead and try to 'throw' an opponent. Just try. I dare
you. Doesn't work, does it? That's because 'throw' has
been changed to 'toss.' Throw is now reserved for throwing
weapons, a new method of attack for Rogues. Look around the
realm for throwing weapons, and warm that arm up!


The 2004 Hero building area contest is nearing its due
date. All submissions are due on February 20th, no
exceptions! If you haven't thought of building an area
before, give it a try.
Read the post at www.outland.org for more info!


We're finally starting to see a lot of Gazette submissions
rolling in from the players of AVATAR! I think the Quest
Points rewards are working.

Have an idea for a story, recipe, suggestion, etc? Send
it in to me at gazinput@outland.org and you too can earn
Quest Points!



Ubercon III

We said we'd be back for more - and we meant it! UberCon III
will be held February 27-29 at the Radisson Suites
Meadowlands, adjacent to the Mill Creek Mall in Secaucus.
As promised, we're planning for more guests, more dealers,
more games, more prizes, more fun!!

The third Ubercon will be the biggest one yet, with Gabe &
Tycho from Penny Arcade, author and game designer MJ Young,
fantasy and comic artist Phil Foglio and of course, Sluggy
Freelance creator Pete Abrams and his crew returning as
Guests of Honor!

Visit www.ubercon.com for more information about Ubercon III!


The Demon Quest by Draeger

Demons, all over the place
Through the portals
through the planes
They come to destroy the world
Destroy the Great Almighty Ruler!

Demons, ripping through our armor
Clawing at our faces
Outnumbered by the hundreds
We fight back
One General is down than another
The last has come to be, but in the Iceland of the Demon
Lord Tourach
At last we've saved the day, collecting all the shards of
Belag is at her rest
Dead in the midst, but wait!

As I sneak and hide up to the sword of Avengers
I find what has come to be, the Dragon Tiamat with her army
of guards
I call upon my elders to help the heroes of the day
They come swiftly ripping a tear in the plane as they become
their true selves, what they were meant to be
The Lords of Midgaardia, the true fighters of the heavens.
They fight hard and long through the lines, until they come
at last to Tiamat, Destroying her with every last ounce of
sweat in their bodies. 
Breaking the orb to pieces
Our souls have been saved from these demons

              /\           //
             // \         // \
            // / \ (   ) //  \
           // / /  (*V*) /   \
           // / /  (*V*) /   \
          // / /  {s} {s} /   \
         // / / / /(@) (@)    \
         ^v^v^v   (O) (O)  v^v^v^/
                   '"' '"'

  -Draeger of the Lost Souls


New Hero and Lord Stats by Shadowwing

Here are the New Hero and Lord stats for the month:


17 Heroes morphed in the last two weeks. Please
congratulate the following on their success.

Ainia, Ariveni, Asghan, Aum, Bogey, BuNteSs, Ebnodon, Elwar,
Ghash, Gravboy, Itama, Kangar, Makutu, Memory, ShadowClam,
Varian, and Zecastore.

Lord remorts or rebuilds




There were 0 Lord deletion(s) in the last two weeks.


Please congratulate 30 characters who reached Hero 19+

Aliza, Aristoi, Autolykos, Awyerelm, Carn, Cherubims, CorGano,
Emil, Gorgan, JTHM, Karneth, Koop, Kymranth, Mandel, Nebulate,
Odon, OmBieZ, Ouch, Pocky, Rattlesnake, Regnirbthgin, Skif,
Skywise, Talons, Thornx, Tinus, TinyTerry, ToSsStyLeZ, and

May you all have continued success and happiness at the Hero

FAILED MORPHS: AzukA, LooseCannon, Mai, PoE, Silvarous, Tain,
Unsterblich, Watch, and Wembley.


0 character(s) departed the realm.

This is the top ten-ish levelers at the Hero and Lord tiers
during the last two weeks. Perhaps in two weeks, your name
will show up here too. Good luck, and level a lot the next
two weeks.

Disclaimer: if you didn't show up in the list two weeks ago,
you won't show up here. Sorry.

Last rankings leaders

Lilone       54                  Oppresion    185

Top 10ish Lord levelers          Top 10ish Hero levelers

Tammo        32                  Nayru        309
Solary       25                  Grizzdrop    242
Deceiver     23                  MakMorn      237
Tholk        23                  Naira        227
Scalybane    18                  Utena        227
Highland     17                  Dared        211
Azariah      16                  Alcarin      210
Melanarchy   15                  Firefist     199
Milliard     15                  Yumi         184
Mimi         15                  Draeger      172
RIvAk        15                  Genocyde     168
Tenchen      15                  QuartzJr     165

Editor's Note: Not only is the following a great idea for the
game, but the way it was written up and submitted should be
looked at as well. This is a well thought-out, well
documented idea submitted by Kol. Take a look.


Forwarding this on as suggested by Snikt.

Let me know if you have any questions.. I made a couple of
small edits that I missed the first time...


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Jagh [mailto:snikt@outland.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 6:13 PM
To: Kol
Cc: ideas@outland.org
Subject: Re: Bonus for getting your own equipment

Wow - excellent write-up. You should post this "idea" to Kenji
for the Gazette as an example for others to follow imho - even
if I were to disagree I found myself READING it because it had
a nice, simple flow to the format.

If Crom doesn't get to this first, perhaps I'll give this a
shot - I love the concept, and yes, the set idea was something
that I've always liked about Diablo.


Kol wrote:

During the last crash, I took the time to get a newbie
character some mushroom amulets on West. It was very
difficult but great fun. Now I am the first to admit that I
farm equipment with my hero, but it was a great challenge to
not have that resource as well. This led to my idea:

If a character who first got a piece of equipment is wearing
that item, then a bonus is obtained.

When a piece of equipment is first picked up, an "original
owner" flag is set to the name of the character that picked it up. 
In effect if X = Null, then X = Character name

This concept will also allow groups to allow someone who did
not get the kill to loot the corpse and claim the EQ (as it
should be as they did contribute to the kill)

Then whenever an item is worn, check

if Original Owner = Character Name, then X

could be as simple as increasing the base of the item by 1
for any item (my first idea), but could also be item specific,
such as for Belt of Sorcery X = +5 mana.

Further, this idea could be expanded to include race or class.

The robe of the magi could have give a +2% mana regen if
Original Owner = Character name and Class = Mage or Psi.

A Holy Scythe could add +2/+2 HR/DR if Original Owner =
Character name and Race = Kzinti

Taken even a step further, you could even institute sets
similar to Diablo2 where if you have a certain set of gear,
you get even more bonuses.

This would be a chance to open up the items of Avatar a bit.
Right now, it's kind of a bummer that everyone ends up in cookie
cutter mode, with all spell casters collecting the same
identical set of gear and Hitters and Tanks not being far
behind. If you threw in Race and Class then there would be
even greater diversity amongst the characters.

The one question that is more dependent on how things are
coded, would be what to do about existing gear. I'm not sure
if all gear would get the flag if implemented, meaning that
all anyone would have to do is drop all their gear and
retrieve it to get the extra bonus (which would not be
the intent in my mind). But at the same time, allowing an
item or two per character to be grandfathered into the new
system might be a nice way to allow characters to make their
best gear a little better. (But this would be hard to do I

Thanks for listening and for the great game. I appreciate
the environment you have created. Of course, I'd be happy
to answer any questions, but I'm pretty sure you get the
idea from this.

-Kol (and alts)


Thoughts of a Dragon

I am a dragon. There are those who believe that this makes
me ageless, immortal, undying. That is not so. Though my race
is powerful beyond the comprehension of many, we age; perhaps
not so much in body, but in spirit. What time cannot take
from our bodies, it takes from our spirits. I have roamed
these lands for nine hundred and seventeen years. Unlike many
of my brethren, I have never chosen the long sleep that so
many have done. They hope that time will strengthen them as
they sleep in their caves, waking someday to rule over all
they see. But they do not understand that the Sleep is not
the way to grow. They have not learned as I learned and they
have not seen as I have seen.

The day of my hatching is so long ago it is shrouded in
darkness. I remember long years roaming Midgaardia alone,
seeking power wherever I could find it, yearning to reach
higher levels of power. I only vaguely remember the day I
ascended into the ranks of the realm's heroes, but it is there
I remained for many, many years. There I discovered wisdom, and
there I discovered even greater folly. When I was still young
I foolishly struck a pact with the dark god Kariya. He gave me
a weapon of great strength in exchange for thousands of souls
I harvested in his name. I believe he got the better end of
the bargain, for I believe he took my soul as well when he
forged that dark blade. Ever since that day I have been tainted
and I cannot rid myself of the stain on my soul.

I remember the day I first forged an alliance with the god
Bhyss. Believing myself damned already, I struck another dark
pact and further descended into madness. Many were the dark
deeds I performed in his name and great did I grow in power.
But perhaps the lighter gods of our realm hold sway still. One
day a glimmer of light reached into my clouded vision and it
was then I found the strength to pull my soul from Bhyss's foul
grasp. But even as I fought free my soul from his clutches, I
feared he would return to me. They say my kind has the gift of
prophecy... I believe this to be true.

As I roamed the land in search of knowledge and power, I grew
old. I saw more and more of my kind disappear from the face
of the world. The end of our race may be at hand. For how can
the old move on when there are no children? Some strange
plague has taken our race. No young are born. Eggs grow cold
in the nest and our dens grow dark. Of those who remain, many
have chosen the long sleep to hold the deepening gloom at
bay, not realizing that in doing so, they have succumbed to
the darkness. There have been a few of us though who refuse
to go quietly. Tales told long ago of worlds beyond ours that
can be reached... our legends say that some of the ancient
dragons have found a way to step into these worlds. When I
heard legends of these other worlds, it became my goal to
reach them. Perhaps the cure for our race's sickness lies
somewhere in other worlds. Perhaps not. But I believed I
must try.

I searched long and hard for a path through which I could
reach these other worlds of which the legends spoke. Voices
from on high guided me, voices in my dreams beckoned,
whispering clues and promises that my future awaited me in
the stars if I would just... Become. At the time I did not
understand. Something within me held me back. For more
years on end I searched Midgaardia, roaming from the
desolate wastes of the Great Divide to the dark jungles
of Morte Vallta, always growing in power, always growing
older and older... my spirit slowly fading. My search for
knowledge took me to many dark corners. I remember the day
I stood alone before the Demon Typhus and demanded he tell
me how I could reach the plane in which his master dwelled.
He laughed and told me I would never reach it and instead
sought to kill me. My magic surged in my blood and moments
later I stood over the burnt carcass of the Demon. I paused
only to take his staff before continuing my search. I
sought out the greatest dragons on Midgaardia: Gil-Rillion,
Kahbyss, Ramahdon and their fellows. They too laughed at me.
They told me that the blood of dragons had thinned too much
to reach the stars and that instead they would offer my soul
to Bahamut himself, whose spirit I am told rests somewhere
beyond the Veil. Once more I fought with those from whom I
would learn and once more when the blinding lights cleared,
I stood over the burned remains of my would-be teachers. I
sought out the greatest dragon in all of Midgaardia. Deep
into his lair I climbed. He told me I would have my key to
the outer worlds if I could take it from him. With his dying
breath he passed on that most holy relic, but before he could
unlock its secret his flame spent itself and passed into
the void.

Years passed and as my soul dwindled. By this time I had
attempted what I believed to be a ritual that would send me
beyond the plane of this world. It had failed and left me
bent and broken in my lair. Many months later when I had
regained my strength, I sat brooding in my lair,
contemplating my own death. I knew it would come soon. The
Final Death from which there is no resurrection. No healer,
no sage, no follower of Tul-Sith would draw me back from the
veil I would soon cross. For if the mind and soul are not
willing, magic will only raise a lifeless husk, as the
Necromancers well know. It was in this moment of darkest
despair that I heard the voices again. Voices of friends I
thought long gone sang in my head, beckoning that I join
them. Believing myself near death at last, I let go and sang
my death song to the heavens. Then I rested and let myself
fall to the ground, spent and ready to die. As I let go of
all my ambition, all my hate, all my pride and all
my longing, I felt my mind open to the Universe and in that
one moment I knew the answer. The key I had long ago wrested
from the Dragon's claws flared to life and the Planes opened
to me in one moment of supreme possibility and I felt my
body rent apart and rebuilt as I left Midgaardia behind

The voices sang in my head praising me for finding them at
last. I found myself, reborn and more powerful then I ever
imagined, lying on the stones of a strange courtyard in a
city that exists nowhere and yet everywhere, a world without
time and a city on no map... the faces of old friends long
gone looked down on me and smiled. I had been Reborn. 

by Lord Galladan


Monthly Gazette Poll

I just posted a poll asking if you would like to see
the AVATAR Gazette twice a month, rather than the monthly
issue like now. Please visit the website and let me know
what you think.

o======|=====================> <=====================|======o
An Interview with Snikt

One of the goals I set out for myself when I took over the
Gazette was to nail down and interview Snikt, to get his own
personal thoughts of the game he has created for us. It took
over three months of scheduling, trading emails, phone calls
and notes, but we finally got it!

I had the pleasure of speaking with Kevin Jagh, aka. Snikt,
over the phone. One of the first things that I noticed is
that he has a very professional, presentation-sounding voice.
It was very different from what I expected, although I'm not
really sure what I was expecting.

I was typing notes as Kevin spoke, so some of the questions
are a bit paraphrased. I hope you enjoy reading the interview
as much as I enjoyed doing it.

Question: Has Avatar ever become a chore or nuisance?

Answer: It's cyclical - sometimes it takes more energy than
it gives. It can vary by period. It can be macro cycles,
lasting months or even years, all the way down to five minute
cycles due to a lack of coffee. Sometimes heavy tier
involvements can influence as well.. heavy lord interaction,
other Imms, Lords etc. With the death of Farside and other
hate muds, the competitiveness has gone out of it. However,
I will no longer take the time and resources that had
previously cost me my second marriage. There are also
personality traits that have caused me to be an awesome
asshole at times.

Q: I asked you this question once a long time ago (in an alt
form); Why do you put so much of your own money and time into
Avatar? What do you get out of it?

A: Going back to the asshole statement - I'm never going to be
Darii, someone that wise or somebody that calm and serene.
Hopefully I can avoid some of the massively destructive traits
that some people exhibit. One of the things I can contribute
to humanity as a whole is that I'm an effective producer. This
allows for a creative outlet where I can be pretty constructive.
One of the things that kept me alive during my suicidal times
is that I gave an outlet for Ronan to be able to interact with
others when he wasn't able to in other ways. I must also admit
that I occasionally like being the center of attention. It's a
natural outlet for some of my leadership tendencies as well. I
like knowing that I can provide a safe place for my kids. I
try to provide a nice place for lonely people to play. There is
always someone to say hi to at 4am. It's a place where people
can play despite geography, appearance, personality, etc. It's
a melding of some of my talents and I can offer a legacy to
humanity, even if a small, insignificant aspect.

Q: What do you see for the big picture for Avatar? When will you
step back and say 'It is where I want it to be?'

A: Never. There will always be something new. Even after Titan is
done. When is it coming out of beta? Someday. It's not really an
issue of it ever being finished, it's constantly evolving.

Q: If you had unlimited resources for coding, building, or
even money for Avatar, what would you do with Avatar next?

A: Real-time dual-site redundancy. No system-impacting lag
issues, i.e. 1:18 AM.  Object Oriented Programming (OOP),
allowing for spatial awareness for mobs. A graphical front-
end. Styles. Trigger defeating, while using common clients.
I want people to use ZMud, or their client of choice, but
the use of triggers is demotivating. Legends - realm vs.
realm, realm points, bastion acquisition.
Titan - Ascension vs. ascension and immortal intervention.
Titans would have to curry favor and earn worship points.
Perfect Game logic - ICE-type hit charts, uprolls/
criticals, fumbles, wounds, charisma, item types and mob
Interactive weapons with magical abilities. And more

Q: Speaking of profit/employability, would you consider
changing from the stock Merc code to be able to charge
pay for play?

A: Yes, but with a caveat, to be able to charge a token to
play, to be able to identify pfiles to people.  For the
most part, I understand people wanting their anonymity, but
it worries me because of the possibility of predators. I
would like a subscription service where people pay for what
they value. People tend to have a different attitude towards
us because we are free. I would love to know how many real
people play Avatar. We have over 12,000 pfiles, I would love
to know the number of real players.

Q: What are your thoughts on the new staff tracks?

A: I really support anything that helps the senior imms
function better.

Q: Let me be selfish for a moment. What are your thoughts on
the new Avatar Gazette? Have you been reading it?

A: Yeah, I love it. I have to say, I still miss Dizzy, but
that's because I miss his editorials. The Gazette is one of
those motivators. I like the inclusion of the 'who has
leveled' and the stories, it builds an archive of what has
happened. I ran across some emails from old players, Amadeus,
etc, that I have lost, and it represents an entire period of
time of my life. Even players like Chuft, that made up a
large period of my life.

Q: Finish the following sentence for me:
The perfect player is...

A: Oppositionally defiant, critical, supportive/appreciative,
independent, loyal, people who can understand that I expect a
certain amount of respect, but are certainly able to tell me
their mind. Some people fawn, and I hate that.

Q: What does Snikt look like?

A: In human form, Lucifer. When in non-human form, usually
when angry, an overfiend without the phalluses. Demonic,
winged and clawed. (Think anime)

Q: What is your biggest pet peeve?

A: That I am not the game expert that I once was. Maybe my
pride doesn't let me acknowledge that I can't do it all. I
need Crom to do the design, Dev to do the areas, Tanisha to
handle the Angels. These are all important aspects that keep
the game thriving. It would be too much for one person. The
sad part is when people fight, defy, argue, flame, it stirs
my competitive blood.

Q: You have has put a great deal of time into Avatar.  What
do you consider your greatest accomplishment about our realm?

A: Ronan. And other friendships. Once, I had t-shirts printed
up for all of the immortal staff. The worst part is I still
have the t-shirts that I had sent him. When I finally sent
them to his folks, the address was wrong and they were
returned. He never got them before he passed away.

Q: What one thing would you most like to change?

A: Part of the problem is, I recently had a bunch of lords
visiting our house, and they were talking about a new lord
who had just morphed, and I had no idea what they were
talking about. I have forgotten more things about the mud
than most people will ever learn.

Part of the delay putting in Legend, is that I am a
perfectionist. I hesitate to put something in when I know
how many mistakes and errors there will be.

Q: When Snikt appears in Midgaard as a mortal/hero/lord form,
what is your favorite area to run in? Do you still run?

A: Nobody ever knows it's me.

Q: So you do still run?

A: I'm not willing to confirm nor deny that. Definitely
mortal. Boomer cheats.

Q: Where did you get the idea for Avatar?

A: The name or the idea?

Q: Both, I guess.

A: The name; Advanced Virtual Adventures Through Advanced
Realities. I got the idea for Avatar when the old Imm (Rox)
left Farside, I hated the name Farside, when he left, I was
justified in keeping what we had. I had wanted an 'A' name,
I wanted a name with an acronym, and I knew that he would
want to return at some point, and wanted to avoid any
confusion down the road.

Q: What RPG provided your greatest influence?

A: The following: Ice, Melee/Wizard, now called GURPS,
Runequest, Stormbringer and, of course, D&D.

Q: How is Avatar doing financially?  Has there ever been a
risk of shutting it down?

A: Are you aware that I am currently jobless? Five kids and
no job constantly puts AVATAR at risk. Donate $5! As a
general rule, it has gotten to the point where, it's either
a maintenance thing, where I was paying $300 for the DSL
line, or a new hard drive where it costs a great deal of
money. Our first server was $6k, the second was $2k. Looking
back, I can't believe that I paid $2-6K for a machine.

Q: Mind a few questions from the players?
Where did the name Snikt come from?

A: Logan.

Q: When did you know it was time to ruin the game with the
addition of Lords?

A: Back in 1997.  Why - to find a new paradigm for the

Q: Which player do you hate the most?

A: If we change the word hate to the player I would like to
pretend didn't happen, I would have to say it would be Chuft.
But then I have to say, that players who defiantly oppose me,
challenge me, feed me energy.  But, I respect energy and

Q: If you could take any Imm to the arena for a good
thrashing, which one?

A: What a curious question. *pause* Oakley. A previous Imm.

Q: What is the best thing for players to do in order to help
you in any way?

A: Patiently provide feedback all the time. As you can see
from how long it has taken to set up this interview, I need
time to fit things into my schedule, whether it be Ubercon,
Avatar, job, etc.

Q: How do you pick your imms?

A: Personality and contribution. That's not to say that other
Imms look at it the same way. When Darii picks Imms, she has
her own criteria. But, I have been burned too many times in
the past.

I can think of a good example in one particular lord. He can
do some stupid things at times, but he can really contribute.
He is intelligent, respected by the community, he can disagree
with me and still respect me at the same time.

Q: Will your children play Avatar in the future?

A: They already do. One got smacked because she specifically
said that her dad is the owner of the place. But I think it
is a benefit to everyone. It helps with reading,
comprehension, logic, typing skills, etc.

Editor's Note: I tried this recipe a few days ago. Very
easy and delicious. The chicken came out perfect, and
I did the salad with a mix of baby spinach, broccoli and

Orange Mustard Vinaigrette Salad with Honey Glazed Chicken

The fun thing about this is salad greens come prepackaged
now. I like the mix with baby spinach.

The Salad

Start with your favorite mix of greens (anything but
iceberg). Add your favorite garden veggies (tomatoes,
peppers, onions, carrots and celery all work well). Grape
tomatoes work well because you don't need to do anything but
rinse them. Set that mixture aside.

The Dressing

1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of olive oil
1/8 teaspoon of soy sauce
1 teaspoon of mustard (your choice on flavor)
The juice of 1/2 an orange
Combine all ingredients BUT the oil in a small bowl
Then slowly drizzle the oil into the mix while whisking
until you form an emulsion.
And tada! Orange mustard vinaigrette. Set that aside.

Next take a 6oz chicken breast and season it with salt and
pepper. Place on a grill (or saute pan) and cook until it's
nearly done. Glaze with honey and orange juice (on both
sides) the last minute of cooking on each side, then add
about 1 oz of orange juice to the bottom of the pan while
the chicken finishes cooking. This will give the chicken a
hint of orange flavor and a slight sweetness. Don't add the
juice too early or it may turn bitter. Cut chicken into
bite-sized pieces, add to salad and toss with dressing.
That'll serve 2-3 people if you use enough greens.


Since no meal is complete without dessert, here is a simple
low-fat one from Psionara.

1 box fat free sugar free pudding (any flavor you want)
2 cups skim milk
2 cups fat free dairy whipped topping

Mix pudding and skim milk in a large bowl and chill for
about 5 minutes Fold in the whipped topping and let chill
for an additional 5-10 minutes
Serve and enjoy

It's easy to make, fat free and absolutely delicious. You
would never know it was fat free. My favorite flavor is
White Chocolate but it works well with any.


This is the new Avatar Gazette. It is published with the
permission and cooperation of the Avatar staff by Angel Kenji.
(Original concept by Asamaro and Dizzy.)

The Gazette is written in plain vanilla ASCII text to ensure
that everyone can enjoy it regardless of computer type.

To subscribe to the Gazette, send internet e-mail to
gazette-request@outland.org. In the body of your
email put:

subscribe username@hostname (MudName - RealName)
eg subscribe snikt@outland.org  (Snikt - Kevin Jagh)

Your real name is optional for the Gazette list.
eg subscribe snikt@outland.org (Snikt)

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, criticisms,
compliments, or (best of all) articles that you've written
for the Gazette, please send them to Kenji via my e-mail
address: gazinput@outland.org  Please use 'Gazette' as your

You can also view the latest issue of the Gazette while
playing Avatar by typing 'help newgaz' anywhere in the game,
or on the design web site at

Original credit for Ascii art or other submissions is given
if known.

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Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Aug 17 2021 05:50
Halfway through August and so many events yet to go! Log in now to join our newest event.

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Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
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