Ebnodonon July 16 2008 02:22:45
[b]<b>WOOT! Pono's getting up there with us big voters! WOOT! Tip for people, if you are going to vote for AVATARMUD and you do want it to be recorded here, just sign in you your web
Ebnodonon July 15 2008 02:22:38
Yes it sure was a good weekend! I was off and there was great weather!!!!
Wisemanon July 14 2008 18:57:24
grats on the promos guys!
Riviaton July 14 2008 12:54:46
Good weekend, was it, Ebbie?
Ebnodonon July 13 2008 20:00:06
Rivat Rivat bo Bivat bo bana fana fo Fivat me ma mo Mivat RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVAT